Giving back to the community
The “S” in ESG stands for Social. At its core, ESG social responsibility is about human rights and equity – an organization's relationships with people as well as its policies and actions that impact individuals, groups, and society.
This further key element of the ESG policy highlights the necessity to serve and give back to the communities with gestures that indeed matter. ROS centres contribute to meaningful social causes through various initiatives and promotions including
Charity events
Events and activities to raise awareness about important topics
Local initiatives that make a positive contribution to the community
In 2022, ROS launched its #bettershopping programme across its European portfolio to raise awareness and take responsibility for the ecological impact of the retail industry.
In this regard, ROS Designer Outlets not only inform about their brands’ sustainable collections and the “green” services available at the centres, such as e-charging stations, but also ensure transparency with detailed information on the photovoltaic systems used, whether or not they are BREEAM certified centres as well as other related measures to guarantee resource efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint.
Likewise, Designer Outlets are encouraged to host workshops and events that aim at raising awareness for a sustainable lifestyle.
Circular fashion is also promoted by having placed “drop box” containers for the collection of used clothing across all centres to guarantee their reusage.
Drop box at Premier Outlet Budapest
ROS Retail Outlet Shopping takes social responsibility very seriously and all the Designer Outlets in its portfolio carry out and support different charity projects.
One iconic example is the so-called ‘Shopping for Charity’ promotions. Both national and international film and TV stars, famous singers, bloggers and influencers have already sold tombola lots at Designer Outlet Soltau. Donations go to local and regional charity projects for children and families in need as well as to support the fight against rare diseases.
Designer Outlet Soltau, Late Night Shopping 2019, Charity Tombola
In 2022, Premier Outlet Budapest organized an initiative for their biggest Christmas program ‘Love. Hunger.’ in cooperation with the biggest Hungarian charity organisation, Hungarian Interchurch Aid. The premium outlet centre contributed with donations as well as with the help of volunteers and celebrities to provide food to homeless people and other people in need in Budapest.
The same year, Designer Outlet Algarve also held a live orchestra concert charity event for Christmas time.
Premier Outlet Budapest, ‘Love. Hunger.’ Christmas programme 2022 in cooperation with Hungarian Interchurch Aid
Raising awareness
ROS centres want to ensure the wellbeing of their communities and actively promote healthy lifestyle practices through sports sessions outdoors and a number of educational activities.
As an example, the Pink October initiative, launched first at the Designer Outlet Algarve, is also a campaign carried out by La Torre Outlet Zaragoza, Designer Outlet Warszawa, Designer Outlet Gdansk and Designer Outlet Sosnowiec to help spread awareness and prevention of breast cancer. Prevention videos and tutorials, unique campaigns and other special initiatives aiming at supporting the movement take place throughout the month of October at the Designer Outlets in partnership with the official institutions. In 2022, the Polish centres made free mammography services available to the public, which were widely appreciated by visitors.
Designer Outlet Algarve, Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign 2020
Designer Outlet Warszawa, Designer Outlet Gdansk and Designer Outlet Sosnowiec have also organised eco events and workshops for families to raise awareness of the importance about environmental protection and a sustainable and healthy lifestyle in general.
Designer Outlet Warszawa, ‘Plat a forest with us’ campaign 2023
Going local
It is usual for Designer Outlets to engage the local community and invite them to enjoy onsite culture activities by organizing small festivals and games for children as well as supporting different local initiatives that make a positive contribution to the community.
Since 2021, La Torre Outlet Zaragoza has sponsored every year the Aragon Fashion Week and the Young Aragonese Designers Contest. The outlet centre has collaborated with the Federation of Textile and Clothing Industries of Aragon (FITCA) to support the local textile and commercial sector. Sustainability and innovation are usually some of the main themes of each edition.
Similarly, Designer Outlet Soltau sponsors several local sport clubs such as the MTV Soltau for football, the International Heide Cup for handball and the Basketball Team Ebstorf Heide Knights.
La Torre Outlet Zaragoza, Aragon Fashion Week 2022